Used especially in the Balkan Region of Europe, commonly consumed at breakfast and with certain foods; It is a kind of paste, usually made from roasted peppers and roasted eggplants, in which roasted or boiled peppers and eggplants are crushed and made into paste. Roasting Line is needed for Ajvar Production.
Ajvar Production Methods are divided into two as Home Type Production and Industrial Type Production.
HOME TYPE AJVAR PRODUCTION LINE: It is the production line where roasted peppers and/or eggplants are peeled, passed through a mixer and cooked under vacuum. In the domestic production line, heat treatment is applied to peppers and eggplants by roasting method. Home Type is the most widely used method of Ajvar Production Line.
INDUSTRIAL TYPE AJVAR PRODUCTION LINE: It is the production line in which boiled peppers and/or eggplants are peeled and passed through a mixer and cooked under vacuum. In the industrial type production line, heat treatment is applied to peppers and eggplants by boiling method. The Industrial Type method is less preferred than the Home Type method.